Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Boxcar

The boxcar.

The passage appeared braced. Cold, impassive, unchanging. 
The boxcar permeates the fabric, the load, found heedless.
Travel rails. 
cognizant of the vitrail.
Esteem with power your resolution.

Friday, March 8, 2013

intelligence and depression

so....I had a conversation with a co-worker tonight, in which we observed: Of all the people we knew who had at some point suffered from clinical depression, whether diagnosed or not, it seemed the more intelligent (un-quantifiable opinion based observation) the person, the more apt to or severe the depression was.  So i pose the subject,  Is intelligence a factor in clinical depression? If so, or if not, why do you believe so?

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Loss and the endless battle

I view loss as a negative thing.  I think most of us do.  Today, however, Burdened with the prospect of impending loss, I encountered an epiphanic thought. I  have to lose.  
ergo, what i learned today.
A singular consciousness is free. Free to do what, when, where, how, who, and why ever they please.  But to be multiple minds and lives, coexisting in the same space time that freedom becomes bound by alternate parameters.  Now i find myself a third of a whole, and learned today that should i continue to act as a singularity, I will in fact become such.  
I learned today, that time for change is never convenient. Never willing to give. Ever present. Forever is the now, right now. 
So forever I vow to not change, but assimilate, my place within these parameters. As I am already governed by them.  A loss of singularity, for something much bigger.
Something right now.
Something forever.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Human Fractal

Look at the picture above.  specifically to the cluster of rocks in the foreground, then to the right side of the mountain range. Notice anything?  Strikingly similar aren't they?  This my friends is a fractal.  Fractals are "typically self-similar patterns, where self similar means they are the same from near as from far" [1]  For technical jargon, please follow the citation, as I do not feel like reiterating ( ha ha....)  This happens everywhere.  Nature, science, art, mathematics, architecture....everywhere.  So prevalent are their occurance, so seemingly natural, that it leads one to wonder if all things, to some degree, adhere to a set of "rules"  that define and govern this "nature of things".
   Now the question... Are we, as humans, subject to such phenomenon?  Not only in physicality, but in consciousness, societal demographics, cultural nuances?  To what degree? I find my brain reeling in an attempt to concrete a thesis. So I pose the task to all of us.  Can a single conscious mind be similar to a collective group of minds? Naturally?
  I am sincerely fascinated at the prospect of thoughts invoked, and truly hope for response from my readers.  Weigh in and lets get this idea underway shall we?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Albert Einstein was a smart guy?

"Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid"  -Albert Einstein

"There are three types of lies; Lies, Damn lies, and statistics"  -Mark Twain

Just a few things i stumbled across today.  What are your favorite quotes, do you have any originals?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Russian meteor, and other such jargon

We'll I think we've all seen something about the meteor that came crashing down to earth and making impact in Russia.  So, we've done a little research and found out our knowledge for the day.
On average around 40,000 impacts occur on earth per year.  Most are not noticed, but occasionally can produce recoverable meteorites.  However, the percentage that are large enough to produce craters is very small indeed.  Approximately 150 know craters have been produced by meteoric impacts. The largest of which is a crater know as the Vredefort Dome located in South Africa.
  There you go, feel free to add, comment, edit, elaborate.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Should anyone wish to become an author on this blog, I'm totally down, If i understand the concept correctly, simply ignore my run on sentences, and sent me your google+ name, and i will add you as an author.  As a disclaimer, i would like to keep the contents PG-13ish, I want this to be a place of peace and learning, controversy can go live somewhere else.  Hope to hear from you soon :)

A wrinkle in your brain (read me first)

Anyone remember a TV ad campaign from a few years back entitled "The more you know"?   We'll i recall one that stated "Every time you learn something new, you get a wrinkle in your brain"   Now, I have no idea on the accuracy of this statement (maybe a topic for a future post)  but, as I've gotten older, I've made an attempt to try and learn something new every day.  From the mundane to the profound, all of my knowledge has stemmed from this desire to increase my working cognitive database. As such, I have started this blog in an attempt to not only share the things that i have learned, but to also provide a forum for you, the gentle reader, to learn, and help others to learn new things as well.  This first post is the attempt to invite, and provide an overview of the intent and end result of the clickety clack of my keyboard.  So, consider the invitation open, no RSVP required, share and share alike.  Let the wrinkles begin!