Anyone remember a TV ad campaign from a few years back entitled "The more you know"? We'll i recall one that stated "Every time you learn something new, you get a wrinkle in your brain" Now, I have no idea on the accuracy of this statement (maybe a topic for a future post) but, as I've gotten older, I've made an attempt to try and learn something new every day. From the mundane to the profound, all of my knowledge has stemmed from this desire to increase my working cognitive database. As such, I have started this blog in an attempt to not only share the things that i have learned, but to also provide a forum for you, the gentle reader, to learn, and help others to learn new things as well. This first post is the attempt to invite, and provide an overview of the intent and end result of the clickety clack of my keyboard. So, consider the invitation open, no RSVP required, share and share alike. Let the wrinkles begin!
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